Thursday, March 27, 2008

Overcome Stage Fright

Stage fright is a phenomenon that you must learn to control. Stage fright is not the most accurate term for the nervousness that occur when consideration a speaking engagement. In fact, most of the fear occur before your step. As we know, before presentation we must make a preparation about the topic that we want to present. Every person was nervous when they have a presentation. Then, they also not confident to overcome in the stage fright. But for me, if we make a complete preparation, we can get more confident to present. Before do the presentation, I always practice present in my room. When I always practice, I feel more confident. So, I can do the better presentation. Then, I also make a note to remember all the issue in my topic that I want to present. I make a lot of preparation before I do the presentation. So, when I make a preparation, I can feel confident and beliefs that I can do it.

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